People with Disabilities
For people with disabilities, OhioMeansJobs Belmont County offers information and resources on employment and training opportunities.
One valuable asset at OhioMeansJobs to assist people with their employment, training and educational needs is an ADA compliant computer work station with the following features:
1) JAWS(Job Access With Speech): JAWS is a screen reader that uses a voice synthesizer and the computer’s sound card to output the content of your computer screen to speakers.
2) ZoomText Magnifier/Screenreader: For vision-impaired individuals, ZoomTest magnifies the computer screen up to 16x. It also speaks all program controls including menus, dialogs, list views and status bars.
3) Internet access.
4) Mouse trac ball.
5) Microsoft Word.
6) Adjustable work station.
Helpful Web Sites and Resources:
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
USDOL Office of Disability Employment Policy
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission and Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation – This site provides information on Ohio’s services for people with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Labor – This is the United States Department of Labor’s site for people with disabilities.
1458 Fifth Street NW
New Philadelphia OH 44663
1-330-343-9292The purpose of the Society for Equal Access is to assist individuals with significant disabilities to live independently and to serve the community at large by helping to create an environment that is accessible to all.